Saturday, August 31, 2013

In school on Friday I did a lot. I went to all my classes and I took a writing exam for summer reading in advisory. But it was a normal school day until last mod, mod 9. At 2:00 I had to report to the athletic department. They weren't there so I got my uniform on for cross country. We waited for our bus to take us to CCBC Catonsville. I was about to run my first ever 5K run. When we got there was 3 other teams and the hill were so hard and tiring. I ran my best but after the race I felt so exhausted and my ankle hurt so bad. After we finished the race the boys ran. We got ice water and watermelon it was amazing. Then on the way home I fell asleep.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I had my first day of earth science today and it was rough. My teacher is the football coach so he has a loud voice. He expects a lot from you and he doesn't just mess around he is serious. He is the football coach and its pretty cool because I`m in the marching band and we play at the football games. In Human Geo we learned about how to make and posts blogs. Also I had my first day of band and it was fun I miss all of my friends from band camp. My day today wasn't to interesting because all we did was read over the syllabus for each class. Cant wait till tomorrow to post again about my day.

First day of school

  On my first day of school I had about four meetings. I had one meeting for pictures which didn't turn out to good. Then I had another meeting for school activities and about being kind to others. I also had a meeting for recycling and about getting involved. My last meeting was I had to sign a pledge saying I will never cheat, lie, or steal. After those we went into the auditorium and a very tall and funny man talked to us about being kind to each other and making good decisions and choices. Then I went to my mod 1 and it was really fun because my friend in my class and we got to help each other. I am looking forward to this new school year 2013-2014.