Monday, September 30, 2013

In human geo today we learned watched a video about people who lived in Sudan. There was a civil war going on and 2 million people are already dead. They walked already walked 1000 miles and they are moving to Kakuma, Kenya. U.N. Refugee camps and 86,000 Sudanese. Many people were being killed and many people are lost or got banded for their homes and families. Also there was burning houses and villages. They ran away with no food, water, shelter, and no clothes or shoes. They were so skinny and boney. They were starving and dying one by one. They had to walk a long way just to flee. They were being attacked by lions and tigers and bears and hyenas, etc..

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

1.    What is the population of the United States?


2.  What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
China, India, United States, Indonesia, & Brazil.
3. What is the population of Pakistan?

4. What kind of government does the United States have?
Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

5.  What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?

6.What is the largest country in the world by area?

7.  What country has the third greatest number of airports?

8. What country has the greatest number of exports?

9.  What country exports more oil than any other?
Saudi Arabia

What country imports more oil than any other?
United States

11. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil
in the world?
Saudi Arabia

12. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?

13. What is GDP?
Gross Domestic Product

14. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how
much is it?
Qatar. $103,900

15. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?

16.Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in
what continent?

17. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from
HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?

18. What other country is in the top ten?

19. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?

20. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

In human geo we learned about the death and birth rates of countries. Also we learned about the top ten countries for  life expectancy. We also learned that some of the poorest countries have the most people. In Chad you are only expected to live until you 48. In countries like Japan you are expected to live until you are 94. There are so many people on this earth that by the time my generation is 35 years old 3 billion more people will be living on this earth.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today in class we learned about how many people are truly on this earth. Right now there approximately 3 billion people on this earth right now. Also there is more people being born then are  dying some the population is increasing alloy. Every 12 years 1 billion people will be added to this earth if we continue at this rate. Also in the most poor places there is a bigger human population then in a wealthier country like United states. Also in America the average female would have 2 kids and in Nigeria the average female would have 5 kids hoping at least one of them would make it to adulthood.

Friday, September 20, 2013

In class today we did a test and I think I did pretty good. It was pretty easy except for the essay question about infrastructure. I can remember about technology and money for a countries infrastructure but it was just hard to but the whole thing together into a essay. I think the test was easy through and I think I at least got an A or a B. I wrote and filled up the page though and so I think I will get full points for my essay questions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today in class we learned about globalization. There is good things about it like increase in GDF, and increase in profit, and increase in trade. There is also bad things like child labor, sweat shops, people(slaves). There is many good things with globalization but there are also bad things that come along with it. Globalization has to with "interconnection" which is things that are connected like trade with other countries.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Today we watched a video in class. It was about how globalization can be bad to because Nike does not take care of there workers. There worker make all of $1.25 a Day. They have to work in factories with no windows and no air conditioning. They have horrible living conditions. They sleep on concrete and there is rats coming up outta the toilet looking for food. There is roaches crawling on you when your sleeping. Also when they go to the bathroom it goes into the sewage and everybody can see it and smell it. Then we worked in our groups and listed some pros and cons on our slides.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

I learned that there is a few definitions. Globalization is good because you gain money and you can gain from trading. Also countries income goes up. Although all these things are good there are some bad thing.  Some examples are child abuse and child/adult labor.  I learned that there are ups and downs to globalization

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Back then if you wanted silk you had to travel to that country to get that item or you would trade on the silk road. Globalization also influences religion. Christianity is #1 most practiced religion. Infrastructure, need to participate in the economy. You need a cell tower and electricity and money to buy the phones. Languages are different all of the world. People in North Korea are like brainwashed. They cant go online they like what their government says to like and what the government likes.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Today in Human Geo w learned that Globalization is a c9onnection of different parts of the world. Results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. Japan people are expected to live longer then anyone else. Japan people would have all 3 meals together that changed when McDonalds became big. It began to spread and everyone started eating there. More McDonalds were being built and people were getting fat. McDonalds is very unhealthy so they are trying to break that chain so they are selling salads and apples and milk and water bottles now. Royal farms is becoming more and  more popular and now they are popping up everywhere.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

 Today in class we learned some interesting facts. I have selected 3 that I thought were cool interesting. 1. If your 1 in a million 1,300 are just like you. That's a lot of people that's like a million people. 2.India has more honor kids then America has kids. That means that there is a lot more people living India  then in America. 3. If Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd largest country in the world. I never knew that many people used Facebook. That is a huge number of people. That is what I learned in human geo.                                                                                                                                                  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today in human geo we learned that Socrates was a philosopher. He also was a very wise and famous man. He did have a big nose and eyes that bulged out so people considered him ugly. Also he went to a party with all the popular people and he had a few to many drinks and he was going on about how he was the prettiest person in the room. He said the was the most beautiful because he's eyes bulge out so he can see better and more and he has a big nose so he can smell better. He had nasty feet because he walked around bare footed. We also learned that u can marry your horse in Texas. Also that gay marriage is  aloud in Maryland but not in Texas. Also that not all information on the internet is true.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today in human geo we learned about the Greek definitions Agora, Polis, The year 508 BC, Socrates, The death of Socrates, The Socratic Method, and What the Greeks meant if they call you an idiot. When I was in class I learned that Agora means a place where people gather and its a market, also where people can go and talk. Polis means a city or a state(Citizenship). *The year 508 BC means people over throw the government (Revolution). Socrates means he was a man who was very famous with the Greek people, He talked to the people and he communicated with people he is a very smart man. The death of Socrates is a 1787 oil on canvas painting by the French painter Jacques- Louis David the execution of Jesus. The Socratic method was the method of elenchus, electric method or Socratic debate. What the ancient Greeks meant if they call you an idiot? According to Wikipedia an idiot a person lacking professional skill, a private citizen, individual.