Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today in human we learned


-Believe in one god who is alone, no son or partner

-only worship him alone

-Belief in God`s revealed books, among these books are Quran, which God revealed to the prophet Mohammad

-They believe in God

-They believe in the teachings of Jesus but he was just a prophet, they were still waiting for their prophet to come

-Believe in the day of Judgment

-Holy sites

-Islamic followers gather at the Kaaba, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia to prey to their God

-Jerusalem is the holy site to Muslims as well as Jews and Christians

-Prey 5 times a day

-Second largest religion in the world

In 2010 over 1.6 billion or 23.45 of the world's population is Muslim

-Priests are called imam and mullah

Monday, October 28, 2013

today in human geo we got into groups and each of the 5 groups got a religion and my religion is Hinduism. We had to do research on our religion and do a PowerPoint on it. We researched that Hinduism is the 3 largest religion. Also Hinduism is mostly practiced in the middle east. Hinduism is really big in India. It is very well practiced.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today in human geo we took a test and it was kind of easy but it was a little hard on the back of the test. It was on Languages and ethnic heritages and religion. It was about the 5 major religions Hinduism.Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism. Also about which language is considered the world language and the language is English. Ethnic groups will fight with each other to see what language or religion they want to have.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

yesterday in  human geo we learned about how in Miami there is a lot of Hispanics and blacks together and each dot represents 50,000 people and there was a lot of Hispanic dots. Also all the white people are on the coast where the land is most valued. There was a line of green dots (representing whites) on the coast line of Miami.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Today in human geo we learned about ethnic groups, and language, and religion. There are so many ethnic groups that don't like each other but live in the same country. Also with religion some of the other religions don't like each other. 3 of the top 5 religions are Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity. These are all popular religions but Judaism is practiced way less then like Christianity or Hinduism. Language is a big thing an English is one of the most used languages. English is so well used and known because all the big companies like apple and Nike were created by people who spoke English so most people speak English who work at these stores.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In human geo today we reviewed the test we took on Friday and I got to fix my mistakes. I learned that TFR means "Total Fertility Rate" and RNI means "Rate of Natural Increase". I also learned that Out of Mexico, United States and Canada the country with the highest migration rate is Canada. Also today I learned that Sudan was the largest pyramid with the biggest baby/kids population. There is so many kids and babies being born in Sudan and that makes up a lot of their population.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

In human geo we learned that in different parts of the world there is different percentages or kiddos and older people and very old people. For example in North Carolina there is a very high percentage of teenage boys and guys in their b201s because there is an army base and camp there. In places like Michigan there is a higher number of people in their 15-20 year olds because they have a huge collage football so many people go to collage there.
In human geo yesterday we took a test that was kinda hard but easy too. I didn't know we had to blog so im doing it today. We also learned that woman live longer then men. Also in some countries there is a huge population of children 0-4. In other countries there is more 30-35 years olds then there is 0-4 year olds or 5-10 year olds. Depends on the country the pyramid is different for all different countries.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Today in human geo we learned that john became the secretary for the lost boys organization.
John becomes secretary of the lost boys organization. Panther returns to Africa where he was reunited with his mother and brother.After completing his bachelor's degree in economics at the university of Pittsburg he plans to return to Africa to open a school in his village.John Bul continues to support his family, both in Syracuse and in Africa, while pursuing a Bachelor's Degree at Syracuse.Daniel is taking classes at a community collage.He has not yet found anyone from his family

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

in human geo today we watched the video some more. John got a job in a factory and at McDonald's. He worked and sent some of the money back to his old home where his family and friends live to help them. The boys were told they were not allowed to walk into 7eleven together only 2 at a time because the manger called the police and asked to have them stop going in as a group. John enrolled in collage and so did Daniel. They thought America was mean because if you were lost you couldn't just go to some random persons house and say your lost and people wont just come up and ask you "are you lost?".. People don't talk to each other they kind just ignore each other in a way

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

In human geo we watched some more of the video and some of the Sudan`s got to come live in America. The program pays for the plane tickets and the apartment rent for 3 months then the people have to pay the government back the money when they get their job.  On the planes the guys were trying to find out what everything is. They walk in the apartment and learned what a light was and what food was and what a shower was. One of the guys was eating a butter square and one of the other guys was eating tooth paste. They are still learning the ways of America and what everything is and does.