Monday, November 11, 2013


 Enrique Peña Nieto


He was the eldest of four siblings in a middle-class: father, Gilberto Enrique Pena del Mazo, was an engineer for the electric company and his mother, Maria del Socorro Nieto, a schoolteacher.


Federal Constitutional Republic



 President Xi Jinping


 Xi Jinping is the son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun, one of the communist Party's founding fathers


China is a communist state





 President Dilma Rousseff


She has been divorced twice


Brazil is a federal republic headed






 President Hamid Karzai


He emerged as a resistance leader under Taliban rule and worked and undermine and regime.


Afghanistan is an Islamic republic





Angela Merkel


Has been chancellor since November 2005


Federal parliamentary constitutional republic




Nicolas Maduro


Federal presidential constitutional republic    



United Kingdom:             

Queen Elizabeth ||


Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy





Saudi Arabia:

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz 


He has fathered 22 children, the youngest when he was 79

He is worth about 21 billion dollars

He was appointed commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, A post he was holding when he became king


Unitary Islamic absolute monarchy





Pranab Mukherjee


He taught political science at the Vidiyanagar Collage and worked as a joiurnalist before entering politics


Federal parliamentary constitutional republic






Francois Hollande


Hollande has no previous experience in a national government position


Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic



Khamenei/ Hasan Fereidun Ruhani


K: Was elected as president of Iran in 1981 and re-elected in 1985. Became Iran's Supreme leader in 1989

H: Was just elected president of Iran-June 2013


Slamic republic



Shimon Peres/ Netanyahu


S: Shimon Peres was born in Belarus. To escape the persecution of Jews there, the family flew to Palestine in 1934


N:  As a child and youth he lived with his family in the US in the years 1956-58 and again in 1963-67


Unitary semi-presidential parliamentary democracy

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