Monday, January 13, 2014

Magic Mondays!!!!!

Well I had a weekend because I had a track meet in Saturday which I didn’t do well in because I was put in the mile for the first time plus I was in the 2nd highest level of girls. I can I dead last. On Sunday (which was my birthday) I went to an IEA show with the Equestrian team and got Two 4th place ribbons. I was really proud of myself because I was in a tough group of girls in my jumping and flat class but I pulled through for the team. Anyways in class today we watched a video called Guns, Germs, & Steel.

·       Jared Diamond was a professor at UCLE.

·       His true passion is birds

·       Jared has been making trips to New Ginny regularly he says “It was love at first sight”

·       He has become close with the people of New Ginny. They have taught him about the birds and about their culture and even how to shoot a bow and arrow.

·       Cargo was thought to be proof of white peoples power

·       New Ginny had only a little cargo

·       Diamond needed to identify the time before him.

·       He need to study the pre-history

·       Humans were thriving for the middle east

I have more notes in my notebook!!!!

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