Friday, January 17, 2014

Sad last classes

I learned a lot this semester and I will learn even more nest semester because I have you again yayyyy!!!! Im am so sad because Angela wont be in my class next semester. This is my favorite class ever!!! And I haven't gotten one A on any of your tests but just wait I will I have the whole other half of the year!!!! I will get an A on one of your test I know I will. I liked that we got to watch videos and we got to do partner work. I think this class was really fun. But im going to miss sitting behind Angela because this class is fun bc we were always partners now who will be my partner>

Monday, January 13, 2014

Magic Mondays!!!!!

Well I had a weekend because I had a track meet in Saturday which I didn’t do well in because I was put in the mile for the first time plus I was in the 2nd highest level of girls. I can I dead last. On Sunday (which was my birthday) I went to an IEA show with the Equestrian team and got Two 4th place ribbons. I was really proud of myself because I was in a tough group of girls in my jumping and flat class but I pulled through for the team. Anyways in class today we watched a video called Guns, Germs, & Steel.

·       Jared Diamond was a professor at UCLE.

·       His true passion is birds

·       Jared has been making trips to New Ginny regularly he says “It was love at first sight”

·       He has become close with the people of New Ginny. They have taught him about the birds and about their culture and even how to shoot a bow and arrow.

·       Cargo was thought to be proof of white peoples power

·       New Ginny had only a little cargo

·       Diamond needed to identify the time before him.

·       He need to study the pre-history

·       Humans were thriving for the middle east

I have more notes in my notebook!!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

wacky Wednesdays!!!!!!!!!!!!

So today was interesting because nick had a shadow. He was really smart actually he was answering questions in my math class. He said something interesting about him was that he can eat food fast. And that he has a piece of lead stuck in his hand. lol it was so funny. Today in class Mr. Schick was like your birthday is almost here Alyssa and I was like yupp. Me and Angela are going to miss each other because next semester shes leaving our class to go to Mr. Teters class its so sad :(

Monday, January 6, 2014

Back to school Monday!!!!!!!!!!

Today started off horrible because I had to bring all my books back to school because of locker clean out! I was soooo heavy and I had to bring in 150 crushed cans to Mr. Perry for extra credit and I had to bring my track clothes. Also not to mention I had to take all of that on the bus with me. It was hard but when I got everything into to school and gave my cans to Mr. Perry it wasn't that bad. Today in human geo we reviewed our exams and studied urban cities. Did you know that over the past couple of years urban cities and places have increased in size by a lot. New York isn't even in the top 15 most populated areas in the world. That's just amazing.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Finally Friday!!!!

This week has gone by so fast. well we did only have 3 days of school but still. Today started off ok. I almost slipped on ice and hurt my butt. That would have been bad. But then I came to school hung up my Secret Santa gift for band. Then I went to my locker to put my horse back riding stuff in my locker and my helmet didn't fit:(. So I put in in my advisory`s room but she's leaving early today so I had to put it in the locker room.  after that I to take a Spanish test mod 1, I think I did well I hope so at least because I studied a lot for it last night. Then I had bible which was ok. Now I'm in your class taking notes I am nervous for this exam but I just need to study a lot. I cant wait for mod 7 and 8 because of Secret Santa. anyways I cant wait till Christmas 12 more days till Christmas. IM SO EXCITED WE GET NO BLOGS FOR ALL OF NEXT WEEK THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

                 Wonderful Wednesdays
So today started off with me in math then I went to advisory where the bell rang wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was very upset. But it was ok because in my off mod I ate a fantastic lunch and drew my "haircut" for draw and guess and it was an amazing drawing. Then I went to earth science with Mr. Perry where I got all of my questions he tested me on right. I felt pretty proud of myself. Then I went to human geo where we reviewed the test where I tried sooo hard and got 2 questions wrong and got a 87% I was so mad. Then my track coach made us run HILLS in the SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I slipped and hurt my butt. Then we did relay races and I did very well I think. Then I had pep band for the Varsity Basketball Boys team and we beat Sea Million Wright 66 to 55.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

                                           Weepy Wednesdays!!!!!
Ok so today has been good so far I got a 100% on my math drill. But we had a 50 point quiz in science with Mr. Perry and I did horrible I bet. Anyways in class we had a reviewed day. Me and Angela are so awesome are blogs are always great to read. I rode this pony named Bear yesterday and he was awesome I love him so much. We should have tests on ponies and horses. I would get 101% on that test if we had one. Also I think my Essay question was brilliant I think you should use it in the test. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to you walking down the hallway singing Its Thursday.