Wednesday, December 11, 2013

                 Wonderful Wednesdays
So today started off with me in math then I went to advisory where the bell rang wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was very upset. But it was ok because in my off mod I ate a fantastic lunch and drew my "haircut" for draw and guess and it was an amazing drawing. Then I went to earth science with Mr. Perry where I got all of my questions he tested me on right. I felt pretty proud of myself. Then I went to human geo where we reviewed the test where I tried sooo hard and got 2 questions wrong and got a 87% I was so mad. Then my track coach made us run HILLS in the SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I slipped and hurt my butt. Then we did relay races and I did very well I think. Then I had pep band for the Varsity Basketball Boys team and we beat Sea Million Wright 66 to 55.

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