Friday, December 13, 2013

Finally Friday!!!!

This week has gone by so fast. well we did only have 3 days of school but still. Today started off ok. I almost slipped on ice and hurt my butt. That would have been bad. But then I came to school hung up my Secret Santa gift for band. Then I went to my locker to put my horse back riding stuff in my locker and my helmet didn't fit:(. So I put in in my advisory`s room but she's leaving early today so I had to put it in the locker room.  after that I to take a Spanish test mod 1, I think I did well I hope so at least because I studied a lot for it last night. Then I had bible which was ok. Now I'm in your class taking notes I am nervous for this exam but I just need to study a lot. I cant wait for mod 7 and 8 because of Secret Santa. anyways I cant wait till Christmas 12 more days till Christmas. IM SO EXCITED WE GET NO BLOGS FOR ALL OF NEXT WEEK THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! 

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