Friday, December 13, 2013

Finally Friday!!!!

This week has gone by so fast. well we did only have 3 days of school but still. Today started off ok. I almost slipped on ice and hurt my butt. That would have been bad. But then I came to school hung up my Secret Santa gift for band. Then I went to my locker to put my horse back riding stuff in my locker and my helmet didn't fit:(. So I put in in my advisory`s room but she's leaving early today so I had to put it in the locker room.  after that I to take a Spanish test mod 1, I think I did well I hope so at least because I studied a lot for it last night. Then I had bible which was ok. Now I'm in your class taking notes I am nervous for this exam but I just need to study a lot. I cant wait for mod 7 and 8 because of Secret Santa. anyways I cant wait till Christmas 12 more days till Christmas. IM SO EXCITED WE GET NO BLOGS FOR ALL OF NEXT WEEK THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

                 Wonderful Wednesdays
So today started off with me in math then I went to advisory where the bell rang wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was very upset. But it was ok because in my off mod I ate a fantastic lunch and drew my "haircut" for draw and guess and it was an amazing drawing. Then I went to earth science with Mr. Perry where I got all of my questions he tested me on right. I felt pretty proud of myself. Then I went to human geo where we reviewed the test where I tried sooo hard and got 2 questions wrong and got a 87% I was so mad. Then my track coach made us run HILLS in the SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I slipped and hurt my butt. Then we did relay races and I did very well I think. Then I had pep band for the Varsity Basketball Boys team and we beat Sea Million Wright 66 to 55.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

                                           Weepy Wednesdays!!!!!
Ok so today has been good so far I got a 100% on my math drill. But we had a 50 point quiz in science with Mr. Perry and I did horrible I bet. Anyways in class we had a reviewed day. Me and Angela are so awesome are blogs are always great to read. I rode this pony named Bear yesterday and he was awesome I love him so much. We should have tests on ponies and horses. I would get 101% on that test if we had one. Also I think my Essay question was brilliant I think you should use it in the test. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to you walking down the hallway singing Its Thursday.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

                 Query Questions:


1. What is Microfinance?

       Microfinance is having access to banking services(like loans)

2. How does Microfinance help?

     Microfinance can help somebody start a business who can't afford to start one on their own

3. Who does Microfinance help?

     Microfinance helps a lot of people but mostly people who are trying to start a business

4. What are some problems in third world countries




• Famine

• Drought

• Lack of supplies

• Poor health care

• Poverty

• Pollution

• Poor Electricity


5. What are some common uses for microloans?

• Starting businesses

• Getting products for business

• Getting a "kick start

• Machinery or equipment

• Furniture or fixtures

• Money that the business can use

6. True or False: Malaria kills 655,000 people every year?



7. What do Peace Corps volunteers do?

They work on business issues and increasing family income. Also improving the environment for business and help increase young people's education.

8. Do you ever get the money you loan out back?

    Yes! When you loan out money the people you loan money to uses it to start their business then when they are stable they send you your money back and you can loan it out again to somebody else 

9. What's so important about microfinance?

     They help out people in need. Somebody who is poor and can't afford anything can use the money to start a business and it would help them out tremendously. And get them back on their feet.

          The essay question!!

10. Would you ever consider giving out microloans? Why or Why not.

Yes I would. I would consider giving out a microloan because I love helping people who are in need of it. The awesome thing is that when they are done using my money I get it back and I can loan it out to someone else in need of my money





Monday, December 2, 2013

Its finally Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways I love this class its so awesome its one of my favorite classes. I'm so excited that I have u next semester but I wont have Angela in my class and we are partners we do everything together.  Now I will have nobody really "fun" to talk to in class. Anyways it will be fun bc at least I still have Mr. Schick as my teacher. Anyways in class today we reviewed the PowerPoint all of us made and it was ok. Angela and I had the best slide by far we worked so hard on it and we made that awesome slide with a computer that would NOT cooperate with us. That's pretty impressive if you ask me. Everyone who has another teacher gets to have no more blogs where as I get to do them for the rest of the year. YAYYY me. (little sarcasm there)