Monday, December 2, 2013

Its finally Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways I love this class its so awesome its one of my favorite classes. I'm so excited that I have u next semester but I wont have Angela in my class and we are partners we do everything together.  Now I will have nobody really "fun" to talk to in class. Anyways it will be fun bc at least I still have Mr. Schick as my teacher. Anyways in class today we reviewed the PowerPoint all of us made and it was ok. Angela and I had the best slide by far we worked so hard on it and we made that awesome slide with a computer that would NOT cooperate with us. That's pretty impressive if you ask me. Everyone who has another teacher gets to have no more blogs where as I get to do them for the rest of the year. YAYYY me. (little sarcasm there)

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